























2) 教材








3) 译著


《易捷汉语:轻松入门上、下 Easy Chinese: Understanding Chinese I, II》,(第二译者),北京语言大学出版社、中央广播电视大学音像出版社,2010年

4) 论文

美国传播生态环境研究,《全球传播生态蓝皮书:全球传播生态发展报告(2018)》,社会科学文献出版社,2018年10月G20华盛顿峰会美国媒体报道研究,《G20峰会跨文化传播研究》,社会科学文献出版社,2018年8月高低语境视域下的政府门户网站比较研究:以马里兰州政府门户网站和首都之窗网站为例,《跨文化研究、教学与实践》,外语教学与研究出版社,2018年5月“Charm Offensive—A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage on Peng Liyuan’s First Two International Tours in 2013” in Priscilla Roberts (ed),The Power of Culture: Encounters Between China and the United States, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016

“Storm in a Coffee Cup: Who We Are vs. Who They Think We Are” (updated      English        version) in Zemanek Adina (ed),Media in China, China in the Media: Processes,        Strategies, Images, Identities, Krakow, Poland: Jagiellonian University     Press/Columbia University Press, 2014

美国总统政治传播体系的打造及其演变,《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 》    (CSSCI ),2014年2月

对2012年美国总统大选的政治传播学探讨–以奥巴马竞选团队的新媒体运用为    例,《国际论坛》(CSSCI),2013年11月


浅谈MTI翻译实践课教学中对翻译意识与职业素养的训练—以一次教学实验为   例,《北外英文学刊》,外研社,2010年

“Microblogs in China—Microchanging a Society”, in Behnke Philip (ed), Social Media in the Political Communication in Asia, Singapore: Konrad      Adenauer Stiftung, 2010

咖啡杯里的风暴:“故宫星巴克事件”中的“我群”与“他群”,《全球传媒评论》,    2009年 第3期



America After Sept. 11–An Analysis of the Polls,(第二作者),《和平与战时的美国-2005年美国研究研讨会论文集》,外研社,2005年

危机下的美国媒体—从911到伊拉克战争,《北外英文学刊》,外研社,2005    年














☛ 2013届优秀硕士学位论文指导教师奖(2013)



Email:    zhaizh@bfsu.edu.cn

Degree:  PhD

Title:      Associate Professor

Courses Taught: 

Mass Media and Media Literacy, English-Chinese/Chinese-English Translation, News Translation, English Listening and Speaking

Research Areas:  

Political Communication; Intercultural Communication


  • A. in English, PLA Foreign Languages University (PLAFLU), 1998

  • A. in American Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), 2001

  • D. in American Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2011


  • Books

  • Contemporary College English: Oral English(2ndEdition)(Book 1, Book 2, and Book 4), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014, 2016

  • Intercultural Studies: New Horizon(deputy chief editor). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015

  • International Journalism:A Textbook(co-compiler). Beijing: China Communications University Press, 2015.

  • Cultural Studies Reader: New Media(co-editor). Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2013

  • A Historical Study on the Modern White House Communications Operations: 1897-2009(author). Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2012

  • Media Management for Public Emergencies: Cases and Reflections(chief editor). Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2012

  • Cultural Industry in the US(contributor). Beijing: Foreign Language and Research Press, 2007

  • Contemporary College English: Oral English(Book 1, Book 2, and Book 4)(member of the compilation board), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2004, 2005, and 2006

  • Articles

  • “A Survey of the Media Environment in the US”, in Gao Wei, and Jiang Fei eds.,Annual Report on the Global Communicative Ecology (2018), Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018.

  • “A Study on US Media’s Coverage of the 2008 G20 Washington Summit”, in Sun Youzhong et al. eds.,The Media Coverage of the G20 Summit: A Cross-cultural Perspective, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018.

  • “A Cross Cultural Analysis of E-Government Portals from a High-context Culture and a Low-context Culture”, in Sun Youzhong and JinLixian eds.,Intercultural Research, Teaching and Practice, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2018.

  • “Charm Offensive—A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage on Peng Liyuan’s First Two International Tours in 2013” in Priscilla Roberts (ed), The Power of Culture: Encounters between China and the United States, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.

  • “Storm in a Coffee Cup: Who We Are vs. Who They Think We Are” (updated English version) in Zemanek Adina (ed), Media in China, China in the Media: Processes, Strategies, Images, Identities, Krakow, Poland: Jagiellonian University Press/Columbia University Press, 2014

  • “A Political Communication Analysis of the 2012 US Presidential Election—A Case Study on Obama Campaign’s Use of New Media Technologies”,International Forum, December 2013

  • “Improving China Reporting by the International Press”,World Affairs, May 1, 2012

  • “Building Translator’s Awareness and Professionalism in the MTI Classroom”, in Zhang Zongzai and Sun Youzhong (eds),BFSU English Journal, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2011

  • “Storm in a Coffee Cup: Who We are vs. Who They Think We are” (Chinese version),Global Media Review III, Tsinghua University Press, 2009

  • “What Can We Learn from Liberal Arts Colleges in the United States”, in Zhang Zongzai and Sun Youzhong (eds),BFSU English Journal, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007

  • “Community Newspapers in the United States”,Journalism Practice, Issue No. 3, 2006

  • “America After Sept. 11—An Analysis of the Polls”, co-author, in Zhou Baodi (ed),“The United States in Times of War and Peace”: Conference Proceedings, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005

  • “Reporting Crisis: A Review of the Performance of US Media from 911 to the Iraq War”, in Zhang Zongzai and Jin Li (eds), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005

  • “A Glimpse of ‘Compact Newspapers’ in Britain”,Journalism Practice, Issue No. 3, 2004

  • “Collectivism as Reflected inEat a Bowl of Tea”, in Cheng Aimin (ed),A Study of Chinese American Literature, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2003

  • “Images of China and the United States in Each Other’s Major Press: A Comparison Between the People’s Daily and the New York Times”,American Studies Quarterly, Volume 16, No. 3, 2002

  • Other(Translated Works, Book Chapters, Book Reviews, etc)

  • Friendship: Key Words of Core Socialist Values(Translation), Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2015

  • Easy Chinese: Understanding Chinese(I, II) (Translation), Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press & Multimedia Press, Open University of China, 2010

  • “Microblogs in China—Microchanging a Society”, in Behnke Philip (ed),Social Media in the Political Communication in Asia, Singapore: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2010

  • “American Constitution” and “American Media” in Mei Renyi (ed),American Studies Reader, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002

Awards & Honors:

☛ Excellent Paper Award, Third BFSU Young Teacher Teaching Contest(2018)

☛ Second Prize, 2016 BFSU Teaching Excellence Award(2017)

☛ Second Prize, Third BFSU Young Teacher Teaching Contest (Foreign Languages)(2017)

☛ BFSU Margaret Turner Award of Teaching Excellence(2002, 2003)

☛ SEIS Award of Teaching Excellence(2004-20142016)

☛ Excellent Test Designer Award, 30thAnniversary of Self-taught Higher Education Examinations in Beijing(2010)

☛Third Prize, First BFSU Young Teacher Teaching Contest (Foreign Languages)(2012)

☛Supervisor Award for Excellent MA Thesis (2013)

☛2012 BFSU Research Award(2013)

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